Hardcode Behaviour!

Some years ago, when I was learning Git, I watched a presentation by Linus Torvalds, and in passing, he made one of those points that just fits with stuff you’ve been thinking but haven’t yet verbalised and so don’t fully understand. He was talking about how he had obsessed over the performance of some operation in Git (merges if I remember right), because with gradual improvements in performance, there’s a quantum leap where the pain of doing something goes away. And when it’s not painful, you can do it often and that can completely change the way you work, opening up avenues that used to be closed.

This thought can be generalised to a lot of areas – gradual improvements that suddenly lead to a change in what you can do. One such scenario that I’ve been thinking about a little lately is the pattern of using databases (as in something external to the code – XML files, properties files, whatever) for configuration data. The rationale for that is to make change easier and quicker, and the pattern comes out of a situation where the next release is some months away, but a database change can be done in minutes. These days, though, that situation should no longer apply when building web services. If you do things right, it should be possible to do the next release within minutes or at least hours, and this means that you can hardcode your some of your configuration data instead of using a database.

Hardcoding configurable options gives the following benefits:

  • Consistency across environments – with databases, there’s a risk (or a guarantee, more or less) that environments will differ. This will lead to surprises and/or wasted effort when behaviour changes from one environment to another.
  • Better testability – you can more easily prove that your application does what it should do if its behaviour is entirely defined by the code rather than by some external data.
  • Simpler ‘physical form’ of the system – a single deployable unit rather than one code unit and a database unit. Among other things, this leads to easier deployments – no, or at least less frequent, need for database updates.

Of course, this idea doesn’t apply to all kinds of configuration options. It’s useful primarily for those that change the system behaviour – feature toggles, business rules for data normalisation, URL rewrite rules, that sort of thing. Data such as the addresses of downstream services, databases (!), etc, of course needs to be configurable on a per-environment basis rather than hardwired into the build.

This is yet another (though pretty minor) reason to work towards making frequent releases easy and painless: the possibility of a change in architecture and process that will allow you to spend less time doing regression testing and also helps speed up the deployments themselves.

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